Friday, August 31, 2007
August 2007

August 1 - E-I-E-I-OOOOOOO....Lila loves Old MacDonald!
Lila is getting better and better using utensils. She is extra good with a fork!
Someone saw this picture and told me that there's an old wives tale that when a child does this that they're looking for a sibling. What do I say to that? Lila's going to have to wait a while. We're enjoying being a parent to just one for now.
August 14 - Lila frequently rearranges my cabinets for me.
August 16 - I never know if Lila is going to eat what I make her. One day she'll love something, and the next day she won't touch it. This day, she loved chicken pot pie.
Lila loves to get inside boxes. If there's a box to get inside, she's there!
August 22 - Lila still loves to look at books...even Daddy's old yearbook.
Mommy (sans makeup) and her pretty little girl.
August 26 - Lila doesn't like it too much when you interrupt her "organizing."
August 27 - Sometimes one spoon just isn't enough.
Then sometimes no spoon at all is just fine.
Other times all you need is a bowl and a cup to create a masterpiece.
August 30 - Lila loves the play area at Northgate Mall. She gets very adventurous at the top of the slide and makes Mommy nervous.
August 31 - Lila in her first bikini!